Thursday, October 20, 2011

Breaking news: ETA declares the "definite ceasing" of armed activity

Going one step beyond the unilateral perpetual truce already in force, ETA has let known to the Basque People and the World that it abandons armed struggle forever.

Video (in Spanish, there's another version in Basque):

Direct downloads of the communication's text (PDF) in English, Basque, Spanish and French.

Importantly they claim to do so in adhesion to the conclusions of the International Conference that took place this weekend in San Sebastian, with the presence of major European statesmen, notably English and Irish ones.

My first impression is that the secret peace negotiations, resulting in a surrender of ETA in exchange of a mere liberation of prisoners probably (??), is very advanced. However the Spanish government has said that it belongs to the government and parliament to be elected on November 20th to conduct this new stage.

One thing is clear: the Basque People has yet to be consulted about all this. If this deep wound is not healed properly it will be reopened almost without doubt. Another thing clear is that Northern Irish achieved the right to self-determination with peace, what will we Basque achieve other than "peace blah blah"?

Sources[es]: Gara, LINYM, Sare Antifaxista

Update: Brian Currin (mediator) says that the next step belongs to the Spanish and French states and that he is persuaded that they will do so.

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