Monday, August 22, 2011

Echoes from the Class War (Aug 22)

Basque Country: police censors pictures of Basque prisoners and tries to bring citizens to court for that ··> Sare Antifaxista[es].

Syria: criminal repression against protesters continue ··> videos at Uruknet.

Egypt: Israeli embassy under siege ··> videos at Uruknet.

Uganda: large demos against high cost of life and Museveni's government repressed by police ··> WSWS.

USA: testimony of the slow programmed death of those held in isolation ··> Uruknet.

The Aguán belongs to us
Honduras: more murdered in Bajo Aguán in spite of massive military deployment. Yesterday we mentioned the murder of MARCA's President Secundino Ruiz, today we must inform of the killing of MUCA's Vice-President Pedro Salgado and his wife Reina Mejía. ··> LINYM[es].

Brazil: thousands protest planned dam ··> video of Reuters at YouTube (from PO). 

Japan: international petition to evacuate Fukushima ··> petition, beautiful support video (part 1).

Japan: 20 Km exclusion area to be permanent ··> NYT.

Japan: radioactive sludge at Kindergarten at Tokamachi, Niigata (further west than usual) ··> Ex-SKF.

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